Serving Crestview Elementary & Neuvas Fronteras Spanish Immersion schools in Cottage Grove. Our Pack meetings are typically the third Monday of each month at St. Luke’s Church.
Year-round program uniquely designed to meet the needs of young boys and their parents. Program offers fun and challenging activities that promote character development and physical fitness
Cub Scout Pack 246 is geared towards boys from Kindergarten (Lions) to 5th grade (Webelos). We have monthly meetings through out the year, see the calendar page for upcoming events!
Ranks: Scouting ranks correspond to either a boy’s age or grade level:
- Lion— kindergarten
- Tiger— grade 1
- Wolf— grade 2
- Bear— grade 3
- Webelos— grades 4/5
We have been proudly serving the community for over 30 years!
Meeting Location:
St. Luke’s Church
7000 Hinton Ave
Cottage Grove MN 55016 (Map)
Council: Northern Star
District: Kaposia
Scout Stores: Store Map (pdf)