First, let us say Welcome to all the new scouts. Our Cub Scout program kicks off with a lot of acitivites and sometimes it can be confusing to new families. Please use this page as a quick reference to the activites that take place through-out year so you know what to expect. As always, you can ask your Den Leader for more information as well and please use the Calendar to find the dates and times of Activites.
We just had you pay your Pack Dues and we start off by asking you to help raise more money. Our dues are relatively low compared to many other Packs. The dues paid are to help pay for advancement and activites that the pack does through-out the year. However, dues only pay a small part of the Pack expenses, the rest is raised through our fundraisers. We have few requirements around fundraisers compared to other packs and we need your particpation to keep it that way.
Popcorn Sales
Popcorn sales run the month of October. This raises a lot of money for the Boy Scout Council as well as our Pack. 33 – 35 percent of the money from popcorn goes directly to our pack. Your part is to help your son solicit popcorn sales (while collecting money) and then to deliver the popcorn in November when it arrives. Your son can earn prizes for different sales levels to help encourage the program.
Our Pack also chooses to sell poinsettias at the same time as the Popcorn sale. This is a fundraiser organized by our pack independently of the council and all profits come to our Pack. Your part is the same as the Popcorn Sales: Sell, Collect Money, Deliver.
Brat Sale
We have been blessed with a relationship with the Top Ten Wine & Spirits store. They help provide food for a Brat Sale durning their Beer/Wine Tasting days. With lots of people in and out of the store we are able to sell food to the patrons. Your part can be volunteering (kids and adults) to run the food stands. Showing up and helping is all that is required and the Brat Sale Coordinator takes care of the rest.
Fall Craft Food Sale
This is a new fundraiser for us so we don’t have all the details yet. We will need volunteers Friday and Saturday to help serve food to crafters that come through St. Luke’s. Listen closely to find out what this shapes up to be.
Pinewood Derbies
Our pack owns its own pinewood derby track. This allows us to rent the track to other groups to help raise more funds for the Pack. Your part in volunteering here is to help setup/teardown of the track and assist in running the Derby. An experienced adult is always there and once you know how it works, it is very easy to do.
Friends of Scouting
This is a fundraiser to help the Northern Star Council. The Council asks each Pack to raise extra money. Giving to the Friends of Scouting helps camps, programs, admin, and all support that we get from higher levels of the organization. Please give what extra you can to the Friends of Scouting campaign and our Pack earns extra incentives if we reach our goals. Also, be sure to find out if your employeer will meet matching gifts or volunteer hours because they play a large part in meeting our goals.
Our Pack has adopted Oakwood Park in Cottage Grove. Our duty is to clean the park twice a year. Bring your scout, some gloves, and a garbage bag to help with our civic duty.
Halloween Parade
Show up to walk in the parade. It’s as simple as that. If you want, join the Parade committee to help build a fun and interesting float.
Food Drive
This is a very important part of Cub Scouting: helping those in need. The Food Drive consists of two Saturdays, the first delivering fliers and second picking up donations. We are given an area by the district that our Pack is assigned. We then split up that area by Dens to distribute the load. It is very important to help with this because the more people we have the faster the process goes. Please be sure to help with this very important service project.
Pack Meetings
These meeting are when all the scouts and families come together to celebrate the occomplishments of each scout. We also provide a lot of information about what is happening as a pack. These meeting are often a time of great fun such as our Holiday Party, Lock-in, Derbies and more.
Arrow of Light Ceremony
The Arrow of Light is the highest award a Cub Scout to earn. This is a special ceremony for the Webelos who have earned their Arrow of Light. This is somethig all scouts should attend and should strive for through-out their cub scout lives.
Parent Planning Meetings
These are the meetings that the Pack committee comes together to plan all the Pack events. It’s a PARENT planning meeting because we are all parents to trying to give our kids the best scouting experience possible. Attend these if you want to know what is going on behind the scenes or if you think you can help in any way shape or form. Some committee members only attend the meetings that pertain to their responsibilities, but all are welcome. Please consider volunteering as a committee member to help share the load of our Pack.
Round Table
Round Table is the meeting of the Kaposia District to which we belong. We need Pack representitives to attend this meeting to not only represent our Pack but to find out what is going on around the distict and council. Then the information needs to be brought to our Planning Meetings to make sure we don’t miss anything.